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New York buildings dim lights to save birds |
Friday, September 23 2005 @ 11:55 PM UTC
Contributed by: MikeSchindlinger
Views: 7769
Tue Sep 20, 2:06 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The city that never sleeps will darken the lights of the famed Manhattan skyline after midnight to help save migrating birds.
New York civic leaders on Tuesday said the lights of buildings above the 40th floor will be turned off after midnight in the fall and spring migration seasons to save birds.
Since 1997, more than 4,000 migratory birds have been killed or injured from colliding into buildings, bird experts said.
Now, a parrot smuggling racket |
Friday, September 23 2005 @ 11:51 PM UTC
Contributed by: MikeSchindlinger
Views: 9858
Bahraich police seized 2,000 parrots trapped from Kartaniya Ghat Sanctuary recently; arrested men confessed the birds were to be taken to Nepal for consumption in restaurants.
By Piyush Srivastava
Lucknow, September 13: After tigers, it is the parrots who are in danger in Uttar Pradesh at least. A recent crackdown on the Indo-Nepal border has exposed a parrot smuggling racket, with the Bahraich police seizing about 2,000 birds that were trapped from the Kartaniya Ghat Sanctuary.
The parrots, belonging to the Rodriguez Parakeet family, were reportedly being taken to Nepal, where they are said to be a favoured delicacy especially among the foreign tourists. Some of the birds are even sent to China from there.
The plight of parrots |
Monday, September 19 2005 @ 07:40 PM UTC
Contributed by: MikeSchindlinger
Views: 7622
Tuesday, August 30 - 2005 at 15:54 GMT+4
In the wild they fly many miles every day, spend a lot of time socializing, foraging for food, chewing wood and preening themselves. Parrots are as intelligent and sensitive as they are beautiful. But, as more and more end up in pet shops, the threats to them loom large.
Among the variety of wildlife species that enter the pet trade, highly sought after are members of a family that are being, virtually, loved to death. The parrot family.
Free sky for Meenakshi temple parrots |
Monday, September 19 2005 @ 07:33 PM UTC
Contributed by: MikeSchindlinger
Views: 11705
12th SEP 20:42 hrs IST
Chennai, INDIA: The famous Meenakshi temple in Madurai is setting free a large number of parrots that have been an integral part of the 1,200-years-old temple.
The temple authorities have decided to free the birds following requests from animal welfare organisations like the Blue Cross. Similar requests had also come from the state forest department, according to P. Bhaskaran, executive officer of the temple.
Field Trip: Tropical Ecology and Conservation in the Rainforest of the Peruvian Amazon |
Thursday, September 08 2005 @ 07:08 PM UTC
Contributed by: MikeSchindlinger
Views: 8083
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Lesley University is offering the following trip, January 2-10, 2006 (open to all, college credit available):
CNSCI 2120 Field Experiences in Tropical Ecology: Tropical Ecology and Conservation in the Rainforest of the Peruvian Amazon
This exploration of tropical ecology will have us traveling deep into the Amazon rainforest of southeastern Peru. Professional scientists and local naturalist guides will lead us into uninhabited, species rich rainforest where bird watching and wildlife viewing possibilities are exceptional. Exploration and study excursions will include guided hikes, boat rides, biodiversity assessments and interactions with local people. And, in the Andean highlands, visit Cuzco and Machu Picchu to study and explore in the realm of the Incas!
Dr. David Morimoto: Office: 617-349-8226
Pro-Parrot Petition to Support NJ Law Change |
Tuesday, August 16 2005 @ 11:09 PM UTC
Contributed by: brooklynparrots
Views: 7554
An online petition is circulating on the World Wide Web to support the passage of New Jersey Bill, #A4260, which would remove the Quaker Parakeet from the State's list of "potentially dangerous species."
Support of the bill is deemed vital by pro-parrot lobbyists because it would allow research and development of alternative nest platforms to woo New Jersey's wild parrots away from power poles, plus the establishment of a local parrot sanctuary in the town of Edgewater.
The petition was drafted by Alison Evans-Fragale, of, which includes advisors Marc Johnson of, Steve Baldwin of, and pro-parrot local political leaders in Edgewater, is also attempting to obtain a permit from New Jersey Fish and Wildlife so that any future nest teardowns by utility company PSE&G will not result in displaced juvenile birds being euthenized at the Teterboro Animal Shelter, as has happened in the past.
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