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Freeing the Caged Bird: Interview with Eileen McCarthy
Tuesday, January 25 2005 @ 01:49 AM UTC
Contributed by: MikeSchindlinger
Views: 8962
Shelters and Rescue

Freeing the Caged Bird
The Satya Interview with Eileen McCarthy

Eileen McCarthy is co-founder and Executive Director of the Midwest Avian Adoption and Rescue Services (MAARS), an organization dedicated to the welfare of captive and wild parrots exploited by the pet trade. In addition to operating a sanctuary called The Landing, for abandoned, abused or voluntarily surrendered captive parrots of all species, MAARS actively promotes avian welfare education and advocacy through classes, consultations and presentations on a local and national level.

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Mystery of missing feral parrot in UK
Tuesday, January 25 2005 @ 01:36 AM UTC
Contributed by: MikeSchindlinger
Views: 6591
General News The owners of a free flying parrot considered "part of the family" are hoping to start the new year by being reunited with their pet, which they believe has been stolen.

Edward and Susan Warner, who run The Railway Hotel pub, Station Way, Cheam, had owned the Amazon Orange Wing parrot named Basil for three years before he disappeared.

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That Parrot Could Earn You Five Years in Prison, in Uganda
Tuesday, January 25 2005 @ 01:28 AM UTC
Contributed by: MikeSchindlinger
Views: 5997
Conservation Uganda, Africa: People illegally keeping parrots have three months to register them or face five years imprisonment.

"Of recent the African Grey Parrot is facing extinction because of its high demand by mostly the expatriate community. UWA has given chance to those keeping parrots for pets to register them with us," said Mr Tom Obong Okello a UWA Community Conservation Coordinator UWA in an interview on Monday.

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Parrot squawks mistress's name to man's wife
Tuesday, January 25 2005 @ 01:25 AM UTC
Contributed by: MikeSchindlinger
Views: 9140
General News Tel Aviv - An Israeli who taught his pet parrot the name of his mistress now faces divorce - after the bird kept squawking it to his wife.

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U.S. government returns smuggled parrots to Mexico
Thursday, January 13 2005 @ 12:31 AM UTC
Contributed by: MikeSchindlinger
Views: 13951
Conservation ELLIOT SPAGAT - Associated Press - Posted on Tue, Dec. 21, 2004

SAN DIEGO - They tried to enter the United States in the wee hours of the morning, many of them stuffed in black metal boxes inside a silver Nissan pickup truck.

After being rescued by a border inspector, they spent months in captivity while U.S. and Mexican officials negotiated their repatriation. An official from Mexico City flew to the border city of Tijuana to greet them Monday.

They are not illegal immigrants. They are smuggled parrots - 90 red-headed and lilac-crowned Amazon parrots believed to have been captured in the tropics of southern Mexico. Authorities said they were likely to be sold at flea markets and pet shops, mostly in Southern California, for up to $800 apiece.

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Parrot Jungle too broke to make payments... low attendence cited
Monday, January 10 2005 @ 11:38 PM UTC
Contributed by: MikeSchindlinger
Views: 6890
General News MIAMI -- The new Parrot Jungle is having a hard time paying its bills, and because of an agreement with the county, so far Miami-Dade is having to pick up the multimillion-dollar tab.

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