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Welcome to "" |
Friday, July 05 2013 @ 07:10 PM UTC
Contributed by: MikeSchindlinger
Views: 35070
 This site is a meeting ground for rescue shelters, animal welfare societies, and conservationists... and the people who share their concern and love for parrots.
The website is developed through user submissions, so please sign up, sign in, and start posting!
Rare proof of life for elusive Australian parrot |
Friday, July 05 2013 @ 06:57 PM UTC
Contributed by: MikeSchindlinger
Views: 30856
SYDNEY - An intrepid Australian bird-spotter has captured the best evidence in a century of a live "night parrot", a rare creature that ranks among the world's most enigmatic avian species, scientists said Thursday.
John Young, a naturalist photographer, presented photos and video of the small, yellowish-green parrot to experts at the Queensland Museum this week which government scientist Leo Joseph said "make it seem very clear that he's found the bird".
Researchers feared for decades that the nocturnal, desert-dwelling parrot was extinct, with no sightings between 1912 and 1979 and only a handful since, prompting the Smithsonian Magazine in 2012 to list it at number one among the world's five most mysterious birds.
Colombian reserve to double in size, aiding critically endangered parrot |
Tuesday, May 15 2012 @ 07:09 PM UTC
Contributed by: MikeSchindlinger
Views: 34397
The critically endangered Fuertes’s Parrot and eleven other globally threatened species of birds, mammals, and amphibians will receive greater protections thanks to a joint effort by Fundación ProAves, World Land Trust-US, Robert Giles, Loro Parque Fundación and American Bird Conservancy.
These organizations joined forces to acquire about 356 acres of land to double the size of the existing Giles-Fuertesi Nature Reserve. The reserve is managed by ProAves, ABC’s Colombian partner and the leading conservation organization in that country.
With fewer than 250 individuals thought to exist, the beautifully colored Fuertes's Parrot is one of the world’s rarest birds. Also known as the Indigo-winged Parrot, it was thought to be extinct for 90 years, but was rediscovered in 2002 when ProAves biologists, funded by an ABC grant, discovered a small population of about a dozen individuals living in fragmented and unprotected high-Andean cloud forests at the site of this reserve. The Fuertes’s sole breeding habitat remains a 19-square-mile area.
“The Fuertes’s Parrot is endemic to Colombia and exists only in the wild at two sites where it bizarrely depends on epiphytic mistletoe fruits,” said Lina Daza, Executive Director of FundaciónProAves, “so with our partners support to secure private lands for its conservation, we have ensured a new and important lease of life to this wonderful parrot and a major step away from the abyss of extinction.”
Feathered Friends Expanding! |
Tuesday, January 10 2012 @ 06:15 PM UTC
Contributed by: birdrescueron
Views: 31462
With over 800 birds, Feathered Friends Forever is now America's largest nonprofit Rescue & Sanctuary for abandoned, abused and unwanted parrots of all sizes.
FFF is working to double the size of Parrot Paradise Park. 5 acres are being cleared to install new state of the art outdoor aviaries. These will include running water streams, permanent metal roofing, misting systems to reduce summer heat and automated feeding systems. The first of this design houses cockatoos and they love it!
New Australian Parrot Species Discovered |
Sunday, December 19 2010 @ 12:06 PM UTC
Contributed by: MikeSchindlinger
Views: 34998
A team of Australian researchers has identified a new, critically endangered species of ground parrot in Western Australia.
By the News Division
Posted: December 15, 2010, 11:00 p.m. PST
Australian researchers have identified a new, critically endangered species of ground parrot in Western Australia.The team, led by Australian Wildlife Conservancy’s Dr. Stephen Murphy, used DNA from museum specimens up to 160 years old to reveal that populations of ground parrots in eastern and western Australia are highly distinct from each other and that the western populations should be recognized as a new species, Pezoporus flaviventris.
“The discovery has major conservation implications,” said Murphy in an Australian Wildlife Conservancy press release. “The Western ground parrot has declined rapidly in the last 20 years, there are now only about 110 birds surviving in the wild and most of these are confined to a single national park. It is now one of the world’s rarest birds.”
World's only migratory parrots in peril |
Thursday, May 20 2010 @ 01:52 PM UTC
Contributed by: MikeSchindlinger
Views: 13305
Two Australian parrots migrate annually over Bass Strait — a voyage that threatens their survival.
WHEN WE THINK OF animal migration, images come to mind of great herds of caribou moving across the tundra or of the dust rising on Africa's Serengeti under the hooves of thousands of wildebeest. But the true champions of migration are the birds.
Every year hundreds of millions of birds from massive storks and geese down to the tiniest hummingbird take to the wing on a journey into the unknown. The Arctic tern makes an annual pilgrimage from the Arctic Circle to the edge of the Antarctic pack ice and back again. And last year a ruddy turnstone (a dumpy shorebird about half the size of a chicken) was tracked on a 27,000 km round trip from Australia to Siberia and Alaska, at times flying for six days non-stop across the oceans.
This last weekend on World Migratory Bird Day (9 May), people gathered around the globe to celebrate the wonder of bird migration. Few would have had parrots in their thoughts, but here in Australia we have the world's only two long-distance migratory parrots.
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