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Feathered Friends Expanding! |
Tuesday, January 10 2012 @ 06:15 PM UTC
Contributed by: birdrescueron
Views: 31462
With over 800 birds, Feathered Friends Forever is now America's largest nonprofit Rescue & Sanctuary for abandoned, abused and unwanted parrots of all sizes.
FFF is working to double the size of Parrot Paradise Park. 5 acres are being cleared to install new state of the art outdoor aviaries. These will include running water streams, permanent metal roofing, misting systems to reduce summer heat and automated feeding systems. The first of this design houses cockatoos and they love it!
Flu fear parrots dumped |
Thursday, February 23 2006 @ 09:41 AM UTC
Contributed by: roelantjonker
Views: 10481
PET lovers have dumped parrots worth up to £3,000 each because of bird flu fears, it emerged last night.
A sanctuary was given 23 of the unwanted birds in a week — FIVE times the usual number.
The pets, including lovebirds, budgies, a blue and gold macaw, two African greys and an Amazon parrot are worth £20,000.
One cockatoo was left outside with a message reading: “Please look after Barney. We have a little child and don’t want to get bird flu.”
Dating agency for parrots |
Wednesday, February 15 2006 @ 03:46 PM UTC
Contributed by: roelantjonker
Views: 7406
An ornithologist who set up a dating agency for lonely parrots says it has been a huge success.
Rita Ohnhauser has already brought 1,300 lonely hearts together in Berlin and unlike other matchmakers she knows her pairs will never split - because the birds mate for life.
"In the wild parrots search out a life partner and then spend every minute of the day with them, but when they are kept as pets they are mainly alone and get very depressed," said Ohnhauser.
She added that parrot owners across Germany had started bringing their feathered friends to the sanctuary to find a mate, and she currently had 150 parrots busy "getting acquainted" with other birds.
"Birds experience love at first sight just like humans. But others make a really careful choice before entering a relationship. It can take up to three months," she said.
Most Recent Post: 02/10 10:17PM by tracey
birdie stock 2006 |
Friday, January 13 2006 @ 02:54 AM UTC
Contributed by: birdrescueron
Views: 8305
Birdie Stock 06
The largest outdoor Parrot Festival ever held!
Memorial Day Weekend - May 26-27-28-29, 2006
Birds bid Roaring Fork Valley adieu, as The Gabriel Foundation forced to move |
Monday, October 03 2005 @ 03:29 AM UTC
Contributed by: MikeSchindlinger
Views: 8144
By Naomi Havlen; October 2, 2005
It's a bittersweet farewell this weekend for about 150 of the Roaring Fork Valley's most colorful, feathery residents.
The birds that live at The Gabriel Foundation, a parrot rescue and adoption agency located in Emma, have found a new home in Elizabeth, 35 miles south of Denver. The nonprofit had been taking in abandoned or mistreated parrots in their Eagle County and then Pitkin County locations, and adopting them out to good homes nationwide, but was cited for land-use violations by both counties.
Freeing the Caged Bird: Interview with Eileen McCarthy |
Tuesday, January 25 2005 @ 01:49 AM UTC
Contributed by: MikeSchindlinger
Views: 9122
Freeing the Caged Bird
The Satya Interview with Eileen McCarthy
Eileen McCarthy is co-founder and Executive Director of the Midwest
Avian Adoption and Rescue Services (MAARS), an organization dedicated
to the welfare of captive and wild parrots exploited by the pet trade.
In addition to operating a sanctuary called The Landing, for abandoned,
abused or voluntarily surrendered captive parrots of all species, MAARS
actively promotes avian welfare education and advocacy through classes,
consultations and presentations on a local and national level.
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