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Help support this site... your donations are needed to support research, conservation, and rescue efforts.
Fine Feathered Friends Sanctuary Inc. |
Wednesday, May 12 2004 @ 11:55 AM UTC
Contributed by: Anonymous
Views: 9965
Feathered Friends Sanctuary is a non profit organization committed to provide a safe haven including proper veterinary care, nutrition, socialization, physical & mental stimulation, and clean, spacious living areas. Space is not only provided in our home, but in our hearts.
Gabriel Foundation parrot rescue may be forced to move |
Monday, May 10 2004 @ 03:06 AM UTC
Contributed by: MikeSchindlinger
Views: 12124
Cracker? Polly may want a packer ...
Parrot refuge yakking its way out of a home
The macaws, cockatiels, Amazons and other parrots at the Gabriel Foundation's sanctuary near Glenwood Springs may have to find a new home.
Part of the problem is that the nearly 200 birds can put up quite a squawk.
Parrot refuge squawks at Canada's bird flu cull |
Monday, April 19 2004 @ 04:33 AM UTC
Contributed by: MikeSchindlinger
Views: 8194
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, April 8 (Reuters) - Canada's largest parrot refuge wants to avoid being the victim of a plan to kill an estimated 19 million birds to stop an outbreak of avian influenza, its president said on Thursday.
Officials have ordered bird flocks in the Fraser Valley near Vancouver culled to keep the disease from spreading, but the For the Love of Parrots Rescue Society plans to fight to have its 400 avian residents excluded.
Foster Parrots needs your support! |
Monday, March 15 2004 @ 02:12 AM UTC
Contributed by: MikeSchindlinger
Views: 12728
FosterParrots of Rockland,Mass. is a no-kill shelter for many parrots (about 250) in need of company, care, and understanding. Please join by sending them a donation. All donations they receive in March will be generously matched. Join Jane Goodall, me, and others in supporting their many efforts on behalf of parrots.
Feathered Friends Forever Rescue/Refuge, Inc. - donations |
Tuesday, February 17 2004 @ 02:55 PM UTC
Contributed by: Anonymous
Views: 10562
To whom it may concern,
Well it is time for our annual BBQ, raffle and silent auction. I know you are about to hit the delete button, but please don’t. We are a non-profit 501 (c) 3 registered and also a state licensed tropical parrot shelter located in Appling Ga. Every Memorial day weekend we hold a giant BBQ, raffle and silent auction to help raise money for several reasons.
Excerpts from ASPCA Newletter |
Thursday, January 08 2004 @ 06:31 PM UTC
Contributed by: denisekelly
Views: 10162
ASPCA has designated January as Adopt-A-Rescue Bird Month. See full details on this program at
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