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Keeping & Teaching Bird Keepers | 4 comments | Create New Account
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Mitigating captivity
Authored by: Earl Hatleberg on Sunday, April 27 2008 @ 03:05 PM UTC
Well, my comment comes long after your initial entry, but I only found this site yesterday, after a long web search for information on Amazons in the wild. First thing to tell anyone who is reading this now, is to adopt another bird of its own kind so it can have s friend of its own kind and then enlarge their habitat as fast as you can.

Any improvement you can make is better than nothing. Get them out of the cages, keep them fully feathered, and provide them with lots of floor-to-ceiling clumps of branches to climb around in and chew. Maple, crab apple, apple lilac, ash and other are OK -- TWO clumps of branches across the room from each other so they can fly back and forth. You can achor them in 12" wide chimney-lining tiles, which weigh a ton and are made of clay.

Lots of natural fruits and vegetables, organic if possible. Stay away from manufactured foods. You want them to recognize and use their intelligence to access real food, like cracking into almond shells. Find out where they would live and what they would eat there and see if you can get it. Watch them eat so you can see what they choose from day-to-day, how they get into the food and whether they crush out the oils and juices (walnuts, apples, pomegranates) or actually swallow the fiber of the food (sunflower seeds) or extract and crush the seeds (seeded g*censored*s, they will also eat part of the flesh).

You are so right about birds not belonging in the house which I learned years ago only after Willi was first adopted. But here we are. So now we have to make the best of it for them until we can find a way to safely give them maximum freedom.

Your bird is lucky to be with you now that you want to understand its needs.

Earl Hatleberg

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Keeping & Teaching Bird Keepers
Authored by: irishparrot on Monday, June 16 2008 @ 10:33 PM UTC
Hello, my name is Declan Gibbons. I am the founder & president of the Parrot Society Ireland. By finding this site it has allowed me to show the irish people & others from over the world what really goes on with parrots in the wild. Through Mike Schindlinger allowing me to use info he has posted on the site i have been able to put it in our magazine for those who dont have internet access and reviews have been good. Also we have published articles from the Indonesian Parrot Project and again the reprinted articles in the magazine has got good feedback. I keep birds myself, and id rather have them in a long flight than in a small cage in a pet shop. The piece about the owner of the blue front amazon saying he would rather him in the wild and it has thought him a lesson about keeping birds, what i would say is dont feel this way as this bird you have is captive bred and would not survive in the wild unless re trained and even then it may not work. you are given the bird a good life and if its happy and cared for then a captive bird will be happy. on our website we are only getting it together as we are new in Ireland and the only irish bird society to offer a coloured magazine every 3 months. we have started a fund for the Indonesian Parrot Project were each member that joins we give 5 euro to the project this is a new thing we decided to do. also people can donate if they dont want membership. we also re home parrots when we get them in from people who dont know how to handle the birds and cant cope. we dont give money for these birds and we dont receive money for these rehomed birds when a home is found. anyone interested in joining our soicety then plese feel free to have a look at our site. the fee to join helps us keep the website live and helps us produce the magazine. we also welcome articles. visit:

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