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Friday, March 28 2008 @ 07:32 AM UTC
Contributed by: ProFauna
Views: 5202
ProFauna Indonesia has some good news for you,
On 29th February 2008, ProFauna Indonesia received a tip-off about six Eclectus parrots (Eclectus roratus) being smuggled from Maluku to Sulawesi and advised the forestry department which succeeded in foiling the trafficking attempt. Unfortunately, the government officers did not arrest the perpetrator who claimed that the parrots were gifts, but did seize the birds.
However ProFauna believes that he is a professional smuggler since he cruelly crammed the birds into water pipes. This is against the wildlife protection law which stipulates that trade in protected species is prohibited and offenders will get a maximum of 5-years in jail and Rp. 100 millions in fines.
Having examined the parrots' condition, ProFauna suggested the forestry department released the Eclectus parrots back into the wild. With funding provided by ProFauna, the government officers released the parrots in a forest in Maluku on 2nd of March 2008. ProFauna also assisted the officers to do a four-day post release observation. ProFauna continues to urge the government to enforce the law in order to curb the illegal trade and deter the perpetrators.
If you need photo of this news please contact:
Butet A. Sitohang
ProFauna International
International Communication Officer
mobile: +6281333899741