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Parrots shocked, 1 dead
Monday, September 06 2004 @ 08:55 AM UTC
Contributed by: MikeSchindlinger
Views: 9981
General News Posted on Thu, Aug. 26, 2004

FEEDING TIME: One of the parrots that survived electrical shock is fed with a syringe at pet rescue shelter. R.C. WHITE/FOR THE HERALD


Parrots shocked, 1 dead

Fort Lauderdale firefighters responding to a call about a power outage on Wednesday afternoon instead found nine Quaker parrots that appeared to have been suffered from electrical shock after a power line arced and snapped in a neighborhood west of the intersection of Sunrise Boulevard and Federal Highway.

One was dead, and the others -- about six weeks old -- were struggling, their feathered blackened and curled. The fire-rescue unit placed the birds in two cardboard boxes and took them to Abandoned Pet Rescue nearby, said rescue volunteer Debbie Turner.

Aviary technician Carrie Efstathion spent the afternoon trying to raise the birds' temperature by placing them in what looks like a small picnic cooler.

''A few of them looked pretty bad,'' Turner said. ``Birds are very fragile. This stress of [the treatment] is probably worse than being electrocuted.''

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Parrots shocked, 1 dead | 2 comments | Create New Account
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Parrots shocked, 1 dead
Authored by: parrotlover005 on Thursday, January 27 2005 @ 08:45 AM UTC
This story just breaks my heart. I own a quaker parrot (just like the quaker in the picture) and it makes me sick to my stomach to see this poor little creature in so much pain. I watched some PBS segment about a month ago talking about Quakers living wild on the east coast of the U.S. You'd think that someone would "step-up to the plate" and take care of these little parrots so things like this wouldn't happen. If I had any means to be able to go to the east coast I certainly would take charge. Unfortunately I'm wheelchair bound with multiple fractures in my spine. People don't understand that just because they "look" like they're surviving pretty good in the wild, they don't understand that these parrots are originally from Brazil, South America. Yes, they may be thriving little fella's, but as you see in this photo, they aren't like your typical sparrow that can just plop its butt down on a wire and hang out for a while. These birds are use to tree limbs and forage - not power lines and high risers. This thoroughly disgusts me. Please forgive my tears....

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Parrots shocked, 1 dead
Authored by: rjmnyc on Monday, February 07 2005 @ 02:12 PM UTC
I don't mean to sound insensitive to your feelings about quaker parrots here on the east coast, but they are really thriving. I live in Brooklyn,ny and I first heard about these wild parrots over fifteen years ago. Someone had told me they were living in what I can only describe as a powerplant. It looked like a bunch of transformers and electrical cables occupying the space of a large house and towering over three stories high. Being a bird lover, I went there several times and saw nothing, I dismissed the story as being false. Fast forward over fifteen years to 2005. I see quaker parrots all over Brooklyn. Their vocalizations are unmistakable in a city where no other parrots thrive in the wild. They build multiple dwelling condo-like nests that are several levels wide and several levels high. I thought they were confined to the less populated areas of Brooklyn, but yesterday I saw them hanging out on a fire escape on the second story of a building that faced a busy intersaction in a more commercial part of town. It was about 2 degress Farenheight a few days ago before that, some homeless people died in that bitter cold, but these amazing birds are still here. I can assure you that quaker parrots are doing just fine and need no help from anyone, so don't worry too much about them. If you ever decide to visit, just bring a camera with a good zoom lense, maybe some binoculars, and do some sightseeing. You will not be dissapointed with the numbers of low lying nests where you can get closeups of their thriving communities. Want to know more? email me at

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